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Screening is an absolute must.

On the next page you can finds lots of different ways to handle it.


Remember not to hand the envelope to me directly.

Also, don't forget to give me a little privacy so I can put your gift away safely.

Maybe take a couple of minutes to freshen up


It's important to remember to confirm you're visit about 90 minutes ahead of time.

Also, a quick text or email the day before would also be super appreciated.

Good hygiene and fresh breath are super important.

You're welcome to use my shower.


Schedules change, life happens. 

But if we've planned on some time alone and you can't make it please let me know as soon as you know.

Show me that you really value my time and me as a person.

Aggressive behavior will not be tolerated.

If you cross that boundary are time is time will be over and the donation forfeit.


I respect the personal choices of every individual.

However, the possession and/or use of illegal drugs will not be tolerated.

If you cross that boundary are time is time will be over and the donation forfeit.

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